Gta 6 Release Date 2024 Ps4. 이 기간이 되면 많은 게이머들이 올해 나온 게임들을 돌아보는 한편, ‘내년에 나오는 게임은 또 어떤 게 있을까?’라는 기대감을 품게 되죠. This is likely due to the fact that gta 6 is expected to be a very demanding game, and the ps4 hardware needs to be more powerful to run it smoothly.
Microsoft said they expected the game to be released in 2024, while cryptic comments from take two about “ several groundbreaking titles ” seemingly placed the release date sometime between. Since its release, the franchise has generated about $9 billion in revenue for its developer, rockstar games, according to an estimate by tweaktown, a trade publication.